Genesis At Work

Genesis At Work


Health Care/in-home ServicesEmployee Assistance & Development Programs

About Us

Genesis Occupational Health has served the Quad Cities community for almost 30 years. We accomplish our mission by helping employers to reduce costs, prevent injuries, and improve productivity. Because we are a part of a larger health system, the referral process is easier for the patient and their employer.

Genesis Employee Wellness provides HIPAA-protected wellness services right in your workplace to help you and your colleagues become healthier, happier and stronger.

Genesis Employee Assistance enhances quality of life by providing counseling services, education, and early intervention to businesses, their employees, and their family members.


National Association of Occupational Health Professionals
Genesis Occupational Health - Bettendorf
Genesis Occupational Health - Moline

Rep/Contact Info

Mr. Steve Anderson
Mr. Christopher Congleton
Whitney LaMar
Health Promotion Coordinator
Curtis Witt