Quad Cities Chamber | Government Affairs: Illinois Capitol Trip
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 5, 2025 Thursday Mar 6, 2025
Springfield, IL
Registration only: $150
Registration and Hotel Accommodation: $300
Registration and Hotel and Reception Sponsorship: $1000

Quad Cities Chamber | Government Affairs: Illinois Capitol Trip
Wednesday - Thursday, March 5 - 6
Join the Quad Cities Chamber for our annual trip to Springfield, IL to lobby on behalf of Quad Cities business interests. The Chamber will host local legislators, committee leadership, Gov. Pritzker (as available), and department leadership throughout the trip for impactful conversations to promote the interests of the Quad Cities.
Registration Options:
Registration only: $150
Registration and Hotel Accommodation: $300
Promote your business! Gain valuable exposure!
Sponsorship opportunities available! Enjoy having your name and/or product in front of the Quad Cities Chamber's top business and community leaders. Click here to be a trip sponsor!
Thursday, March 6
Time TBA Breakfast (Included)
Time TBA Governor’s Meeting
Time TBA Additional Departmental and Hill meetings
Noon Adjourn
Check back soon for a detailed itinerary!
The Quad Cities Chamber strives to host inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. For event assistance or any additional information, please contact:
Ryan Sempf | Executive Director, Government Affairs
319-270-7462 | [email protected]
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations must be received at least 72 hours in advance in order to receive a registration refund. You may transfer your registration to another person within your company at no additional cost.