Estate Planning Workshop presented by Nash Bean Ford & Brown, LLP
At these workshops, we will discuss several issues, including: The advantages and disadvantages of Wills and Living Trusts. There is a difference! Maintaining your privacy. Protecting your estate if a disability occurs. Planning before you need Long Term Care if you become incapacitated. (Hint: Not all Powers of Attorney are valid!) Why putting property in children’s names too soon without safeguards may be a mistake. Protecting your surviving spouse and your children’s inheritance from divorce, lawsuits and “predators”. Preserving your estate for your kids if a surviving spouse remarries. How probate works and how you can avoid probate intelligently! Learn how you can or cannot qualify and use Medicaid to pay for nursing home expenses. Providing for special needs children, grandchildren and loved ones. Remember, Procrastination is your enemy! Seating is limited and reservations are required. For more details and available dates, visit
Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 7, 2024
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
August 7 at 6:30pm
Harvest Bakery & More 916 Albany St. Erie, IL 61250
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