Facility Tour - Modern Woodmen - International Facility Management Association
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
March 21st from 6pm - 8pm
$25 - Member
$35 - Non-Member
Contact Information

Join the Eastern Iowa IFMA Chapter in the Quad Cities for our March meeting at Modern Woodmen-Rock Island.
IFMA (International Facility Management Association) is a local group of Facility Managers focusing on Networking, Career Development, and idea sharing. We host monthly tours, and a couple panel discussions each year.
We will begin with an overview of Modern Woodmen facilities and tour the recently renovated outdoor plaza, mechanical rooms, and meeting spaces.
The tour will be from 4:00-5:00, followed by a networking social from 5:00-6:00 at Front Street Brewpub-Davenport, Iowa.
Please use this link to register: https://ei-ifma.org/meetinginfo.php?id=114&ts=1708452121
For more information on Modern Woodmen, please visit modernwoodmen.org.
For additional information on the history of the facility please visit rockislandpreservation.org.
Parking information: Park in Lot A. Entry the facility through the north side of the building along the river.